Try smoking with MILK

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Milk.White.Fresh.Pure.Healthy. And great for smoking the hookah with!

OKay, I knew from previous experiences of putting milk in the glass hookah bowl that its a good idea to add 15% water and not to add as much to the bottle container since the milk will bubble way up to the hose connecter and you”ll be drinking some of it¬† till you get to the right ratio of liquid per toke.

So I did all that and took the extra precaution of using a 100% pvc plastic completely washable hose since I just about ruined my last hose with stinky milk.

Lo and behold, I got bubbles, and started drinking milk out of the plastic hose. At least I wasn’t worried. The milk was fresh and very cold, both the hookah and straw (I mean hose) were clean. So I drank milk until I got to the right liquid level of no liquid in my hose.

Disconnected the pvc hose and washed it quickly.

Here I am enjoying the “Al-Sultan” Banana-Milk flavour¬† shisha.

With this shisha you taste the milk-banana combo even with water in your bowl! Its that good.

Here you can see a photo…

I love Al-Sultan for  the authentic tastes and slow smoke of this Premium shisha!


Hookah 1

One thought on “Try smoking with MILK”

  1. The problem with milk is that the constant bubbling of the smoke passing thru is akin exactly to the way we did it back in the old days before electricity.We’d pour the fresh milk into a wooden bucket with a small hole on top of the lid, and place a wooden broom handle all the way in, set down a spell and just pump that broom handle up and down, up and down, up and down, up and down up and down. After yorn but a few hours o that and the milk had churned well. We let it set while, and it turned to curds and whey. We separated the curds from the way, just like (forget that notion), and we’d had us some cheese.
    Same in the hookah. If I sometimes actually use the notion of milk in the hookah, the way I smoke a lot, it ends up green milk right quick, and taking out the shaft to clean, its already in 1 or two days curdeled cheese!

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