Two Men Making Hookahs Out of Coconuts (People partied before electricity)

Two Men making hookahs out of coconuts

In this painting two men are making coconuts into hookah-bases. The origin of the hookah, narghile, sheesha, hubble-bubble or water-pipe device is uncertain; it is believed to have started in India, but with coconut shells as containers. Aromatic and medicinal herbs were smoked before the arrival of tobacco in the Indian sub-continent 500 years ago. The sophisticated version, widely used in Africa and Asia, developed with the spread of Turkish coffee-houses to smoke a compound of tobacco, spices, molasses and fruit. Charcoal embers heat the substances, smoke is inhaled through a mouthpiece attached to a hose after passing through a pipe and container filled with water, which refines and cools it. The containers, once of coconut shell, are now elaborate and of glass or metal. The term ‘narghile’ is from Persian while ‘hookah’ is from Arabic denoting a rounded casket. Hookahs were a common feature of 19th century European dining in India with hookahburdars, or hookah-bearers, tending the hookahs. It was a breach of etiquette to step over another’s hookah-carpet or hookah-snake.

Hookahs and youTube and more…

Hey everybody, I’m in the process of discovering how to put youtube videos right here on the site, but until then, there is a lot of good videos on youtube to take a look at.¬† Just type in the term hookah, and you should find some good stuff.¬† One of my favorites is “how to do a proper pipe” which is a 3 minute video walking you through the set-up process.¬† Good stuff.

Call to interest for Hookah Smokers?

Found this little posting at the bottom of the “Sacred Narghile” page. Anyone interested?

“International Call for Interest
We plan to set up an INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR RESEARCH AND MEETINGS ON HOOKAH (narghile, shisha, “waterpipe”, “water-pipe”, “hubble-bubble”). Should you be interested in such an initiative, as a researcher, student, (*) or out of mind inquisitiveness, and should you like to participate in it, actively or not, please get in touch with us through the ‚ÄúContact Us‚Äù page at


(*) especially if you are a woman deeply interested in ¬´ gender ¬ª aspects, in other words the complex relations women have, through history, established and maintained with the artefact, from Asia to Africa.”

Sounds sort of shady, but hey, always try something once, right?