You have to know WHERE to buy

There are many companies selling all types of hookahs and shisha.

Would it suprise you to know  that the same product at a number of companies will have a big price difference? Its true, but even more so, the same product at one company could be vastly different than its counterpart elsewhere.

For a true example I’ll mention what I’m smoking now.

I bought a double-headed¬† shisha bowl In one side I have AlWaha mint and the other Nkhla melon. Now if you try mixing them in one bowl it won’t come out 1/4 as good. The Nakhla and Al Waha¬† each have different molasses and glycerine content making¬† them impatable if mixed in one bowl.In the2 headed bowl its a great succsess.

Besides, some cmpanies who sell Nakhla and AlWaha are not selling  fresh. I buy at  when I  want Nakhal and Al Waha. They buy themselves the Al Waha from Jordan right in Jordan. Same with the Nakhla in Egypt. Not only that, but the date of production is right on the box. Often at many companies the date is only in arabic and it could be or usually is past the freshness date. Do some research. Smoking-Masters is great on this score.

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Smoking ban in public places

You¬† probably understand¬† what the Smoking bans in public places like restaurants are all about. You yourself don’t want to eat your hamburger and drink a milkshake with smoke in the air, right? And their are kids around also.

But when it comes to banning smoking in hookah bars, from the U.K. to USA to India  its quite strange, no?

After all ,anyone going there wants to smoke and be with friends  .Second-hand smoke is not going to bother you  when you have a hose in your hand.

Lets hear some comments on this.

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Beirut/Narghileh (Article)

This is a great article from Lancet publishing. They  refer to the rise of hookah smoking  in the Middle East itself.

One politician he states rented 200 hookahs from a restaurant owner to keep people happy while listening to his speech!‘mce_editor_0′,’mceLink’,true);


Its so important  to keep an open mind about hookah.

Everyone who smokes hookah at home is an “experimenter”.¬† never fails. Trying new mixes of shisha, buying shisha you’ve never even smoked just to try it out. Keeping inmind that maybe the cheaper brand of shisha could in the end be your favorite.

We try out ways with coals, bowls, hookah in various sizes.

I’ve been buying shisha that in the past was¬† not to my liking and it seems so much that often I’m pleasantly¬† suprised!¬† A brand name I didn’t like before or a certain flavour that¬† now is so great. Did they improve on it? Probably with the competition so high and more companies on the market manufacturing shisha¬† you’ll find that what you thought was junk is now terrific.

Our tastes develope and as we become more experienced in smoking what maybe you were smoking out of your  first hookah is now supreme. . Or before you packed too much in a bowl or burned it with too much coal.

There are even more reasons to re-try some of the old baddies. At worst if it stil proves to be a bummer shisha you can trade it off with friends or a group.

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