“Smokey Links” a RITUAL

Yes, when you saw the 2 words “Smokey Links”, did you as a dedicated shisha smoker REALLY think about “links for hookah smoking”? Are you a “man “(or another) with hair on your chest? C’mon?!!
Yes, for Christians the world over, “Smokey links” at breakfast are a ritual.(I lived in the Bible Belt of the MidWest ,the USA for my first 17 years, so I know. They sure smell good, them “Jimmy Dean Sausages”. I remember Jimmy Dean as a singer of country songs before he got big into business.
And yes, for smokers of the narghilah -waterpipe,hookah, etc. that is “our” ritual no?
I’ll bet that you were thinking of breakfast when you read “smokey links”.
or this electric hookah set-up?
(I’ll get these links made “kosher” for you on this section for downloading soon).

Speaking of “Kosher” , it means “Permitted” in Hebrew, Kosher as pertaining to the Jewish ritual Laws of what can be eaten as good, or bad for the soul in a body.

This is a tiny, small peek into “the Code of Jewish Laws” as practiced by “Orthodox” Religous Jews of which there are different approaches, general agrement, and no one is placing bombs in the synogogs of the other groups, and never have!
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shulkhan_Arukh (Jewish Law)

For Moslems the world over its the same principal. Is this food permissible for a soul in a body? There are differences between the 2. There is no “correct, or right way” except if you ARE a Moslem, or a Jew.
A note, most Moslems, I would imagine 99.9% do not bomb or kill other Moslems. Let’s be fair.
Health wise I was warned with all my seven children never to give them honey until they are at least one year old. Health wise YOU are PERMITTED to eat honey, and they no. (Same metaphysical corelationI later found out that chemically the honey lowers the infant’s resistance to many diseases.
“As in the physical worlds G-D Created the spiritual worlds”. ((And Vice Versa)
Kosher and Uswah are health for the soul of Moslems and Jews only as it pertains to each group in PARTICULAR. No “incorrect” way of religion vs. religion.
Here is a link for explanation of the Ritual Laws of Islam:
According to the Jewish “Torah” (Book of G-D’s Revealing Infinate Light” :
Christians are permitted to eat pork and most of the probably delicious stuff I’ve seen sold, like McDonalds french fries whom
VEGETARIANS (They have their little rituals and some fanatics too) found out some time back were fried in pork oil, frozen, shipped to your friendly neighborhood fast food McDee’s and refried, hot and juicy in vegetable oil the second fry.
So, here are two sayings in Hebrew and Arabic that both mean “Great ,Infinate,King and Creator of ALL worlds”
Arabic: “Allah Hu Akhbar” simply translated “The Infinate One is Great”
In Hebrew : “Ribbono Shel Olam” “Master of All Worlds is One”
Same difference–what is the fighting all about?
Note : if anyone of the three religions was offended, I ask your forgiveness.
Let’s not forget the “Jain” religion of Indo-China and world over really, who don’t eat anything Kosher OR Uswah, don’t even kill flies or mosquitos!!
I have read quite a lot over many years about the Buddhist religion (Way,path) and the Hindu path and way, but I will not make a fool of myself more than I should.
As we say in the Talmud “How do you know a fool is a fool? Only if he opens his mouth to talk”.
Shalom, Salaam, Peace and Goodwill toward your fellow man as YOU would like to be treated well.
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Hookah Table 4 Safe Smoking

We talked about some safe smoking tips, like putting aluminum foil under the whole hookah area, not pulling too hard on the hose (bad,bad), making a non-tip base for your hookah….. or did we?
Actually, it was mentioned, but not as a special post not yet.
Of course, you might like to invest in this great simple colored plastic bowl-base.Non slippng and a perfect fit , there are small, and large sizes custom made
its at the bottom of he page “hookah protector”

. To make your own base for a non-tip hookah” tip” simply take a sturdy carton and draw around the bottom of your base, cut. You can have as high a box as you want, but 3 inches might be fine, or make of plywood, paint ,design and cut.
Mine sits on the 3 tiered glass table I have with a electric light on top . I had the table already. The 3 tiers are step sized. Small tier on top, second tier step bigger and the 3rd even wider with a brass metal magazine holder that happened to be a few m”m wider than my hookah base! Just dumb luck. I got it free from my sister who dumped it on me to try saving space in her house.
Try going to “Salvation Army” and “Goodwill” stores, buy a cheap table, cut a hole custom for your bowl size and nail some wood underneath to sink it 3 inches below the level of the table.
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Hookah-Lover’s favourite flavour poll

Want to start a multi layered question poll now,

1) “What is your (ONLY ONE) favourite flavour?

2) What BRAND mu’assel shisha-tobacco is your favourite to buy?

You can see some of the company manufacturer’s names on the right hand of the page (but there are many that are omitted here for TEMPORARY lack of time and space)

3) If you were banished to Saint Elba Island like the British banished Napolean Boneparte’ “for Life” and were given all the food, mosquito repellant, videos and free postage stamps (no p.c. or cellphones) that you required
AND a chance to get a free supply delivered of any 5 brands of Shisha Mu’assel combinations with your only 5 favourite flavours, what would they be?

4) “Weirdest flavour you ever HEARD of.
Doesn’t mean you’ve smoked it, or would.
There is cinnamon, Earl Grey tea flavour which I love-but its not sugared at all, Cardammon flavour (Arab Hel flavour for Turkish coffee).
Okay, I’ll admit it here….I eat everything with garlic, have heard of garlic-chocolate so I made once home made garlic shisha with my glycerine, honey,garlic and Iranian (wetted) shisha tobacco.
I liked it, but it stayed the main dominant flavour for the life of my Cobra hose!
Best to write in names of already manufactured stuff like kiwi, pinacolada, tequilla, (Bloody-Mary chaps?). Here is your chance for some imput and personalfame.
Don’t forget, would you bring this flavour to your Elba Island home? Be carefull.
hookah 1 , 4u

First off- so that you won’t think me that bad a speller, I have to write some type-hype right now.
In English if you live inthe UK United Kingdom of Great Britain and its subjects i.e. Jamaica, Israel up until 1948,Arabian countries ,some of africa, Australia,Canada, etc, many words are writtenwith a “U” in them.
Favourite,Flavour,Humour,Qeue,Al-Qemah,Queensbury,Queen,Quneitra (of Syria) etc.
And why you may ask, when the American form of English dropped their “Q”‘s and “U”‘s ?
Well, isn’t English an Anglo-Saxon language first comming from Latin, and as England was conquered in various parts or re-conquered it added on the French Gaul,bits of Spanish (also Gaul), the language added from various Viking conquest, often a quick rape and burn by fellow Ireland who were conquering parts of Britain and being beaten back, the Germanic tribes of Anglos, later the Saxons who did them in, its the story of every nation in the world almost. Changed rulers, cultures, languages ,maps and religions. English is a ever-growing live language. If you had called President Kennedy your “hommie” then he’d” punch you out”, or said to your only one why don’t we jump in my low-rider and rotate these wheels” she’d call her father and probably have you put in jail overnight.(Today many girls haven’t seen their father in 3 years or more).”Whata”!!!!!!!!!!